When asked about how you have seen the
past 45 years of marriage, your reply was
Sense of permanency
Sense of security
Memories of raising our children
Memories of party's and dances
Enjoying our grandchildren and our adult children
He and I are friends.
The romance has gone...and I miss that.
When I think..45 years!
That is a very long time
Knowing that despite our differences...
We keep working to make things better
We used to take separate holidays..now we visit grandchildren
I know he will be here in “sickness and in health”
He does amazing woodwork and is handy to have around.
You both are two very special people and it
shows me that being married for 45 years
is not as easy as some think, but it is
worth it. You both have taken your vows
very seriously. Being married for that length
of time of course has it's ups and downs but
you have stuck together and made it..
These songs i heard and thought of you.